Dancing about Motherhood with Sarah Mauney

What if the thing that unifies us as mothers is the fact that not one of us has the exact same experience? This week, episode 08 of Poised & Powerful Podcast is sharing Sarah’s dance thesis project about motherhood and how it is a direct reflection of her own experience! 

Book your FREE 15-minute virtual consult to learn more about working with Sarah! She offers virtual sessions for expecting and new parents. Expecting parentings will have a framework for considering and building positive habits for not just the baby - but also yourself. New parents will learn how to move like a kid again, so you have more energy for what matters.

Sarah Mauney is a movement scholar-she's a certified Alexander Technique Teacher, recent MFA graduate from CU Boulder, and general body-loving nerd. Her research has centered on embodied experiences related to mothering and her goals center on reconnecting individual mothers to the knowledge that their bodies possess- we have just been conditioned not to listen to what our bodies know. Sarah has a three-year-old daughter, is pregnant with her second kiddo, and loves cooking, baking, bartending, swimming and traveling.

In this episode of Poised & Powerful Podcast, Sarah and I discuss the following:

  • How she surprised herself by wanting to explore motherhood in her graduate studies and her surprise at not finding more artistic representations of mothering in the world of dance. 

  • Ways in which imposed expectations about being a “good mother” removes womxn from power on a societal level and leads to feelings of failure on a personal level. The power of being able to express yourself and question habits & stereotypes. 

  • The push and pull of being a mother and what that looks like for each of us.

  • Sarah’s day-to-day life of being a grad school mom, and how her work led her to more curiosity about her own experience, fueling her growth as both a mother and an artist. 

Don’t forget, your ideal expression of parenting is going to look different from anyone else. You don’t have to compare yourself.

Thank you for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot of the episode to post in your stories and tag me!  And don’t forget to subscribe, rate and review the podcast and tell me your key takeaways!


Sarah Mauney’s Website

The Moving Mothers Ourchive: Dances and Embodied Experiences of Motherhood. 

Video of Sarah’s Dance: Games Played While Lying Down




Work with Sarah! 


You can find the rules to the game “What’s On My Butt?” In Weird Parenting Wins by Hillary Frank

Inspiration from poetry of Beth Ann Fennelly