6 Class series: a Parent-Centered Pregnancy class
This class series has already begun, please email me directly if you would like to join us.
Has your pregnancy felt like an out-of-body experience?
Are your normal coping methods for pain and stress not working for you?
Do you feel like you “should” exercise but end up falling asleep on the couch?
I would love to help YOU feel more calm and comfortable during your pregnancy.
I’ve got a powerful secret weapon for you!
Understand and adapt to your changing body - instead of trying to fix it or fight it.
Learn mind-body tools to help you calm your yourself as emotion arises, instead of trying to banish it.
Listen to yourself so you know when to rest, and give yourself a break.
Prepare to support your body and mind for postpartum and parenthood - unlike other methods, you will use this beyond birth!
Get connected: to yourself, your baby, your partner, and other parents going through the same thing.
The skills I teach will lead you to this powerful secret weapon - understanding your own body and your agency within it.
Welcome! I’m so happy you’re here.
What will I learn in this class?
We learn about the changes to the pregnant body and how we respond physiologically to stress. Even our breathing changes radically during pregnancy! We then apply self-care tools for aches and tensions, especially of the spine and pelvis - including alignment, gentle movement and rest practices.
The basic movements we practice are also functional comfort positions for labor. According to student interest, we practice adding ease to daily movements like walking, exercise, and baby care body mechanics - so you can be prepared for some of the challenges postpartum!
Do I belong in this class?
This is a gentle class - no need to be “fit” or wear special clothes - if you have a history of injury or are currently in PT, this is the class for you.
Can my partner come too?
Price is per screen, so partners attend at no additional charge. I encourage partners to come because they need to take care of their own stress during this time of transition. This class is online, but I can coach partners to provide hands on support.
Who is teaching this class?
Hi, I’m Sarah Mayhan, mom and 1600hr certified Alexander Technique instructor. I help people add ease to their everyday through relaxed posture, movement, & breathing. Alexander Technique is a renowned method for dealing with back pain and performance under pressure!
Hannah Lee, LSW will be leading the mental health presentation, it will be interactive and reflective and is definitely a highlight!
Any other questions? Please email me!
You’ll get:
6 online group classes, 75 mins each
Special presentation on mental health: your changing emotions, and when & how to seek extra support.
Helpful info about your body & restful practices to support you and make your daily routines easier in the moment.
Recordings & resources for home practice, so you don’t have to stress about remembering it all.
A toolbox of skills that support you not only during pregnancy, but through the transitions of postpartum and parenthood.
To make connections with other expecting parents.
Special offer on 1:1 services.
What past expecting parents like you have said about the class:
“Hard to pick just one [big takeaway]! The fact that pregnancy is such a huge set of big changes for your body and I need to appreciate this more. That the best thing I can do for my body is to move it. It’s not about finding the perfect way to sit/ stand. Our bodies crave change and movement. I have been using the constructive rest as well as the cat/ cow and pear movements a lot since class.”
“[I learned] to try to give up control and focus on what we are able to control (our breath/ posture, and responses to situations/ pain.)”
“Loved the mental health session! ”
“Overall, I really liked the flow and types of things we covered. The balance of [Sarah] talking, open conversation, and using videos/ photos/ physical demonstrations and trying things out was really nice!”