Afraid of needles? Try this guided relation while you wait!

One of the situations that triggered my anxiety was going to my regularly scheduled appointments, despite the fact that my nurses and techs were friendly, my care provider’s attitude was that pregnancy is not an illness.

Here’s what I did when I found my mind racing ahead of me or my body tensing during those “waiting” moments during the experience, and I think you’ll find you can apply to one of the more challenging moments: getting your blood drawn or getting an injection.

Applying mindfulness doesn’t necessarily mean we’re blissed out all the time. (In fact, I find I need it the most when I am distinctly NOT blissed out.) But it allows us to widen our focus to bring more things into our awareness than just the stress or pain, making space for more things to enter our experience.

Most childbirth classes will teach that tensing with pain increases pain. I have loads more to teach you about exactly how you go about releasing that tension - please get in touch!

Cover Photo by Fabian Møller on Unsplash