The Best Advice for Surviving Your First Year With Twins: Update with Rhonda

The first birthday for your baby (or babies!) is a milestone and we want you to own it! Rhonda was on our podcast quite a few episodes ago explaining her pandemic pregnancy with twins, and she’s back for an update on life with twin toddlers. Episode 23 of Poised & Powerful Podcast is sharing: how to survive the first year as a twin mom!  

When getting ready for a baby, it’s so easy for YOU to get lost in the shuffle. This is why I want to share with you my parent-centered pregnancy class. Let’s support your ongoing well-being as a parent: relieve aches and pains, minimize responses to stress, unwind and sleep better. Join me in January for an online 6 week series:

Rhonda Abrams was pregnant with twins during the pandemic, and when we left off with her last time, the twins were 5 months old  - so much has changed since then! 

In this episode of Poised & Powerful Podcast, Rhonda and I discuss the following:

  • Rhonda shares how her routine with the twins has changed since the last episode (which you can listen to here, ) which has  included her emotional journey through pumping, tandem nursing, and now: weaning. 

  • How Rhonda’s mindset has shifted from the survival mode with 5-month-olds to enjoying the phase she’s in right now. 

  • How becoming parents can shift your relationship with your partner, and how Rhonda and her husband managed to balance the load and strengthen their relationship after having the twins.

  • Rhonda’s top advice for new twin parents or parents-to-be.

Rhonda brings to us today the insight and perspective of the time in between the newborn stage, during a pandemic, to the one year stage in infancy. Her change in routines, mindset, and attitude will inspire any new parent as they navigate the tough season of no sleep and newborn needs, and be relatable to those who’ve been through it all as well. (Whether you have had twins or not!)

Thank you for spending your time with us! What advice was most useful for you? You can find me on Instagram and tag me with your key takeaways:

Learn more about Poised & Powerful and Sarah at


Website: Mama Magic (a portion of proceeds benefit:





Work with Sarah! 

Rhonda’s Favorite Twin Parent Resources: 

This meme to remind you that you are not alone.

Connecting with other twin parents, for example: Windy City Twins, Windy City Twins Swap Page

Amazing doula support in the Chicago area from Leah the Doula. We love doulas! 

Instagrams to read when breastfeeding/ pumping/ otherwise stuck under a baby: @bemybreastfriend @the_bernstein_brood @danistwinsfilm @twiniversity @common_wild