Think you need more “core strength” to fix your back pain? Read this…
Is my core still there, you may be thinking today??
This is a super common question! As pregnancy advances and your belly grows, you might be feeling the strain in your low back. And you might be thinking, is this because I’m not strong enough? Do I need to be doing core work? Wait, is that even safe?
About 20-ish weeks here, around the time when aches and pains are increasing for a lot of folks.
While I encourage physical activity, I want to show you an alignment trick to get some “instant core.”
What’s going on here? Compared to the photo on the left, on the right I look more upright - my belly is less stick-y out-y and the curves of my lower and upper back are less pronounced. But I’m not sucking in. I didn’t exercise between these two photos. I’m not thinking about my “core.” So what happened between the left and right photos?
I’m thinking of what we would call in Alexander Technique, the little thought to “think up”, “lighten up”, “relax up.” Try it now: see how you respond, just to the little thought.
I’ve gotten my whole body to coordinate together, and you can see how my body responds by a more balanced level of tone. Even though I’m not trying to “tone up” - it’s a bit of a mental trick.
What we call “posture” (more properly “postural tone”) shifts according to factors that aren’t just physical, but psychological and emotional. Some of this we can consciously control - some of it is at the level of our autonomic nervous system, i.e. “fight or flight”/ “rest and digest.” Most of us can instantly recall a situation that made our whole body tighten up, or freeze, a person who made us feel small, or made us feel “10 feet tall.”
So start with a tiny habit when you feel overwhelmed or fatigued by everything going on. Pregnancy is ever-shifting, and you will need to frequently check in with yourself and allow yourself to adapt.
Pause, exhale, feel your feet on the ground - and let yourself relax up. Does your balance shift? Do other aspects of your experience change?
At 37w+4, when being pregnant can feel very heavy and tiring.
Here’s another, later in pregnancy. This is a point where a lot of us feel like sinking into the couch and becoming one with the furniture (left photo). You can see how I might be feeling the downward pressure in my neck and low back. In the right, I’ve got support under my feet, seat, and behind my back so I can lighten up. I’m just sitting here, not actively “toning up” but you can see the overall effect is more balanced - and more comfortable!
Have questions? - this is simple but it doesn’t mean “easy.” That’s where a teacher’s help can come in and I’d be delighted to work with you and help you relax up!