Postpartum Hack: Stress-Free Strollering
I’m all about saving effort! Here’s how to push the stroller with a little less pushing on your body. Key if you are struggling with shoulder or wrist pain from carrying and feeding that baby.
I have fond (and less fond) memories of hours of pushing my son in the stroller, trying to get him to nap. And wondering when he was going to nap, and for how long. And wondering if I was doing this whole sleep thing right, not to mention this mom thing right. This train of thought can lead to a lot tension in the body.
Taking the time to notice the body and take a moment to reorganize helped me to release body tension and also release a lot of unhelpful thoughts that were coming along for the ride.
Let me know if these tips helped you by sending me your thoughts! What comes along for the ride when you stroll?
For further help, see me for hands-on, individualized coaching at your location in Chicago or via Skype.